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Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta atau UNJ adalah perguruan tinggi negeri yang terdapat di kota Jakarta,Indonesia. Berdiri pada tahun 1964. Setelah Indonesia merdeka, pemerintah Indonesia merasakan kurangnya tenaga kependidikan di semua jenjang dan jenis lembaga pendidikan. Untuk meng­atasi masalah ini pemerintah mendirikan berbagai kursus pendidikan guru. Sekitar tahun 1950-an, pada jenjang di atas pendidikan menengah didirikan B-I, B-II, dan PGSLP yang bertugas menyiapkan guru-guru untuk sekolah lanjutan. Usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan mutu dan jumlah guru terus dilakukan melalui pendirian Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) oleh pemerintah melalui Keputusan Menteri P dan K No. 382/Kab. tahun 1954.

PTPG ini didirikan di empat kota yakni Batusangkar, Ma­nado, Bandung, dan Malang. Dengan demikian terdapat dua macam lembaga pendidik­an yang menghasilkan tenaga guru, yaitu Kursus B-I/B-II/PGSLP dan PTPG. Kedua lembaga ini kemudian diintegrasi­kan menjadi satu lembaga pendidikan melalui berbagai tahap. Pada tahun 1957, PTPG diintegrasikan ke dalam Fakultas Ke­guruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan pada universitas terdekat. Berdasarkan PP No. 51 tahun 1958 Fakultas Paedagogik diintegrasikan ke dalam FKIP.

Pada tahun 1963, oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Dasar didirikan Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) untuk menghasilkan guru sekolah menengah; sementara berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri P dan K No. 6 dan 7, tanggal 8 Februari 1961 Kursus B-I dan B-II diintegrasikan ke dalam FKIP (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi yang juga menghasilkan guru sekolah menengah. Dualisme ini dirasakan kurang efektif dan mengganggu manajemen pendidikan guru. Untuk mengatasi ini maka kursus B-I dan B-II di Jakarta diintegrasikan ke dalam FKIP Universitas Indonesia.

Melalui Keputusan Presiden RI No. 1 tahun 1963 tanggal 3 Januari 1963, ditetapkan integrasi sistem kelembagaan pendidikan guru salah satu butir pernyataan Kepres. tersebut adalah bahwa surat keputusan ini berlaku sejak 16 Mei 1964, yang kemudian dinyatakan sebagai hari lahirnya IKIP Jakarta. FKIP dan IPG diubah menjadi IKIP (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan). Proses pengintegrasian FKIP-Universitas Indonesia dan IPG Jakarta, melahirkan IKIP Jakarta. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya IKIP Jakarta setelah berusia lebih kurang 36 tahun, sejak tanggal 4 Agustus 1999 berubah menjadi Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) berdasarkan Keppres 093/1999 tanggal 4 Agustus 1999, dan peresmiannya dilaksanakan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 31 Agustus 1999 di Istana Negara.

Hari jadi Universitas Negeri Jakarta ditetapkan sama dengan hari jadi Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta yang merupakan cikal bakal Universitas Negeri Jakarta yaitu pada tanggal 16 Mei 1964.

UNJ campuses are spread is East and South Jakarta. The main campuses, Campus A and Campus B, are in Rawamangun area, in East Jakarta, a walking distance from each other. Both campuses are on the main roads Jalan Daksinapati and Jalan Pemuda, not far from the Cawang – Tanjung Priok toll road exit, and accessible by various public tranportations. From the Sukarno – Hatta airport to both campusses will take you to traditional super-, and hypermarkets. And, in case you need it, to the Persahabatan Hospital. The National Language Centre, with its extensive library on the lenguages of the archipellago is also next door to Campus A. Campus B boasts modern sport facilities, a well-eguiped health centre and gymn. Three more campuses are are in Jalan Halimun, Jalan K.H.Achmad Dahlan, and Jalan Setiabudi, in South Jakarta. Each one can be easily reached by public trnportation. The number of campuses reflects UNJ’s belief that ‘Small is beautiful’ there by prioritizing culturally and aesthetically balanced learning environment.

Vision, Mission and AIMS

Converted from the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) by Presidential Decree No.93, August 4,1999, UNJ has widened its focus not only to the training of professionals in education, but also to those in The non-educational fields of science, technology, arts and culture at all levels. In fact, during the 36 years of its existence as a teacher training institute, it has produced over 45.000 graduates who work all over the country, not only as teachers and educators, but also as well-received professional in non-educational fields. UNJ is committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship, while aiming at a more ambitious goal to become a leader in higher educationin the year 2020.

Study Program
The university offers 44 study programs in its 29 departemens of 6 faculties. Courses on offer include a range of SI (under-graduate) programs, a number of S2 (master) and S3 (Doctorate) programs. Besides, non-degree programmes and diploma courses are also offered; for non-education graduates who want to work as teachers, certificate courses are available through Akta-5 programs. The S1 program covers 144-to-160-credit courses which have tobe accomplished within the time span of 14 semesters, at the maximum. S1 graduates of the education strand are awarded the title S.Pd, and those of the non-educationnal strand are awarded with various titles that are specially used for the areas study or skills in question. S1 students are selected through the regular state university entrance test, which is referred to as Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri or UMPTN, for short, and also through the selection system called Interest and Ability Tracing (Penelusuran Minat dan Kemampuan, or PMDK, for short). In addition, a number of departments, including the Sport Department, the Visual Art Department, the Music Department, and the Dance Department, require that students go through a special test before being accepted. The S2 program covers 36-credit courses that have to be finished within the Tim span of 4 semesters to 10 semesters. The S3 program covers 40-credit courses that have to be finished within the time span of 5 semesters to 10 semesters. Some faculties offer various courses of non-degree programs, including polytechinc-qualified diploma courses of D2 and D3, and Akta -4 certificate courses for non-educational students who are interested in becoming senior-high-school teachers. A Transfer Program (Alih Program) is provided for those who wish to upgrade their D1, D2, D3 qualification to S1.

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