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Soal Sejarah UMB PTN 2009

Learning Mandarin in the truly ancient Middle Kingdom is today more popular than it has ever been in China's 4000 years of history. During its many centuries China has often eclipsed other nations in many aspects. During the Tang dynasty China was at its classical pinnacle. Fantastic works of architecture and arts remain to tell the tale of an enlightened, advanced and powerful heritage. But the world then is different from the world today. At the dawn of globalization, when first the English set out to map the earth a fundamental new aspect to humanity was realized. Interconnectedness was for the most part of 300 years a polarized curse and blessing for those that were exploring and those that got explored. China was already in cultural decline when Europe reached is shores and the great nation state became another example of what can happen when people with really good guns meet people without.

Sid Meier quoted a pretty good proverb once that goes "never bring a knife to gunfight". Ian M. Banks named a novel after a sociological / anthropological concept know as excession; when one civilization meets another that has reached a few rungs higher on the technological ladder. The results are never a treat.

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But with the rewards that came from colonial prowess for Europe a new type of light began to grow there. After the horrors of the Second World war Europe started to feel pretty bad about its exploits. The war had also brought a new spirit of cooperation. The war also changed many other things, perhaps the foremost being the beginning of the Cold War. People are slow to learn from mistake and the subsequent 40 years of Cold War was little better for many poor parts of the world than the previous 300 had been (Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Most of Africa etc. etc.) and even at the end of that war, lots of people were still getting the short end of most sticks.

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